Tuesday, January 18, 2011
All the Doxie Lovers in the House Put Your Hands Up

So, I have been a long hiatus from blogging. Life has been full of... well life. One thing that helps me get through the day despite of how busy life gets are my two doxies - Flo and Bunsen.
I have to say I have kind of an obsession with weiner dogs. They have a comical physicality and a big personality. They are madly loyal, fiercly stubborn, and super entertaining. My black and tan Flo loves to play fetch which is an endearing and annoying characteristic. She will never stop chasing the ball and bringing it back to you, nudging the ball with her nose and making growly noises if no immediate response is given. Recently, I learned of Picasso's faithful friend 'Lump' a mini dashchund who came into his possession by accident. The story is heartwarming and goes to show sometimes your best friend is a furry funny looking little friend. Enjoy some doxie inspired items from Etsy sellers~
Friday, October 23, 2009
Julie & Julia - the search for a creative outlet

The recent film "Julie & Julia" didn't get very favorable reviews, so for me there was no rush to see it. After coaxing from my mother, we went and saw it and was pleasantly surprised by a fresh and thoughtful film. So, why was the movie not well received? Hmm... can't really bother to wonder about that, but it could be two things - lack of viewer imagination and cultural perspective.
Falling under the category of day dreamer, this film was right up my alley. Having lived in France for a short 6 month stint as a nanny in the heart of Paris, I know first hand of the romantic charm this la vie en rose holds. If there could be two things that would fall under "wildest dreams," I would say it would be to live abroad and do something I love and make money at it. As this film illustrates, day dreamers can be believers if there is enough discipline, fortitude and patience to sustain the wait. Look at Julia! She waited over a decade to be published, but she never lost sight of her goal and dream to translate the art of French gastronomy to the everyday American housewives who had no idea of such cuisine.
The trials and tribulations of dreamers was endearing and whimsical. I was routing them both on the whole way and jealously wishing I could blog like Julie's character and get a cookbook published... you never know.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Don't Ration Your Passion

I think blogging is a lifesaver for those who like the creative process, but aren't necessarily brilliant writers like myself. It is a way to purge the mind of negative energy and get it out there, whether or not anyone is reading it. I guess that is why I named my blog 'ecrivain attempts' as that is what it really is... attempts to be a writer. You can really enjoy doing something and appreciate those who do it well, but how do you get to be that person who could actually make a living doing that thing you love? I ask myself that almost every day when the job that pays the bills does only that, pays the bills and doesn't provide anything else. When Chef Gordan Ramsey on "Hell's Kitchen" says you have to have passion in the kitchen and not merely technique and be quick on your feet, he is saying that he can see the ones who love it and the ones who are going through the motions. Going through the motions is a numbing process. Passion is something that needs to be ignited when what you love gets buried under all the things you don't love at all, but you have to pretend to care about in order to keep your head above water.
So, my question that I leave you with is, can you try to get passionate about something in your life? It may not put bread on the table or be recognized, but try to do it well or make a point of throwing yourself into something that actually brings meaning to life and starts to bring back the tingles that reminds you that living isn't that bad after all.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Summer Wanderlust

After a long winter cooped up with no where to go, when the good weather comes it is exhilarating like you have been reborn. I like to call it the ' creative hiatus' because I am too distracted to focus on things like writing. I miss it, but with long days where the sun is out until 9PM, long walks and sitting on the patio and breathing in fresh air is so appealing.
One of my favorite things about summer is the farmer's market. Every Thursday I take a trip to my local outdoor market to enjoy all the sights and sensory experiences offered. A farmer's market isn't just vegetables - this is a place for the community and intrepenurial of heart to try their hand at selling unique goods. Some of the variety includes homemade cheeses, salsas, candy and even organic soaps and fragrances. Although the same vendors are there every week, it is comforting to visit the favorite stalls for home baked bread and freshly popped kettle corn.
A definite change of culture has come about with a return to smaller venues be it restaurants or grocery stores like Trader Joes and community co-ops. Most of all an appreciation of fresh, small batched food stuffs. To me, this is such a change for the better. Food becomes culture and community and not just mass produced items in warehouse sized grocery stores. To me, every Thursday is a highlight to my week. I know I will share the experience with a close friend and get some fresh air while shopping at my leisure for wholesome, carefully produced products.
To Farmer's Markets and A simpler way of life which is a sort of Joie de vivre.