Bless my soul, I watched Pride and Prejudice for the 100th time today. It filled me with the "je ne sais quoi" that it always does. Something about the organic nature of life and relationships that seems to be so lacking in our modern age. There is chaotic harmony to the Bennett's willy -nilly ways of dancing and prancing, feasting and farming that brings about a feel for what life must be truly like if you are living it to the fullest. Not to mention the breath taking scenes from the campagne, filled with lush green and hilly interest and wild reckless, natural abandon, just like the Bennett's themselves. My all time favorite scene that brings me to tears every time is when Elizabeth tells Mr. Bennett that she loves Fitzwilliam Darcy. All the secret glances of amusement that pass between father and daughter are endearing throughout the film, but this final scene, the crescendo to the symphonic story is the love between these two. So, in honor of the most beloved of characters both in book and acted in film, are a few Bennettesque items chosen to celebrate them all. Bravo!