The recent film "Julie & Julia" didn't get very favorable reviews, so for me there was no rush to see it. After coaxing from my mother, we went and saw it and was pleasantly surprised by a fresh and thoughtful film. So, why was the movie not well received? Hmm... can't really bother to wonder about that, but it could be two things - lack of viewer imagination and cultural perspective.
Falling under the category of day dreamer, this film was right up my alley. Having lived in France for a short 6 month stint as a nanny in the heart of Paris, I know first hand of the romantic charm this la vie en rose holds. If there could be two things that would fall under "wildest dreams," I would say it would be to live abroad and do something I love and make money at it. As this film illustrates, day dreamers can be believers if there is enough discipline, fortitude and patience to sustain the wait. Look at Julia! She waited over a decade to be published, but she never lost sight of her goal and dream to translate the art of French gastronomy to the everyday American housewives who had no idea of such cuisine.
The trials and tribulations of dreamers was endearing and whimsical. I was routing them both on the whole way and jealously wishing I could blog like Julie's character and get a cookbook published... you never know.