Tuesday, February 12, 2013

When God Shuts A Door, He Opens A Window

I know it is cliche but is a great saying...the window of promise and the glimmer of hope that helps you accept the closed door. Today I put on my big girl panties. I wrote the goodbye text to seal the end of us. At the far recess of my heart and mind I hoped it wouldn't take, that there would be protests and pleas to take him back. It didn't happen. A relationship of tumultuous rollercoaster emotions. It had good and bad and was a learning lesson but it was a connection nonetheless. The response I got was a mature goodbye and the metaphorical slamming of the door on us. What resulted in my heart and came out was a tumult of unexpected emotion. I had fallen in love. I hadn't really been able to admit it to myself but with the ominous end came the painful truth. I cried and cried and cried until my face looked like a swollen, mascara smeared, ugly mess. I left work, went home and tried to sleep away the pain, but woke to the realization of what had happened and it started all over again. This is my take away... pain makes us who we are. It is the refining fire that creates character and growth. I hate it and when going through it feels like death, but I know the result will be a better me, a more compassionate me and a stronger me. ...thank you pain for your life lessons