Oh, for all the fanfare and shameless Hallmark exploitation of Mother's Day, there is nothing wrong with celebrating the one person who makes the world go round who is no other than your mother.
Someone I know recently commented that he had not called his mother in years on this day as he thought it was so silly and predictable. What I say to that is, "shame on you." If we all appreciated each other everyday as we should, then there truly would be no need for Hallmark to remind us to remember these special ladies. However, the expectation to remember on a special day is a good reason to make much of those we love. Mothers do so much which goes unnoticed. The nights worrying about that conversation with you where you were upset and unhappy, the prayers that went out on your behalf when you had that important interview, the thoughtful check ups just to see how you are. Then there are the home cooked meals, the stories about how cute you were as a baby and the words of encouragement and unconditional love. Who thinks you are beautiful like none other? Of course mom does. Even if you know she may be a little biased, you can't help but smile a little broader and hold your chin a little higher because there is that one person always in your corner.
So, here is to you moms - our number one fans who have kept us in one piece all these years and nursed our hearts and stomaches with all the love in the world.
We love you~
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