Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Stimulating the Economy

It is a hard for us all and luxuries are set aside in an effort to put away some emergency funds for the worst possible scenario. This being said, remember what we were challenged as Americans to do? "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." With this said, how can we apply this lofty admonition to our little lives?

The first thing that comes to mind is to stimulate the economy by helping small businesses make it. We all know that the little guy often gets trampled by the big bully business who snuffs him out. Let's take it upon ourselves to be upstanding citizens and choose one, two, or even three businesses to patronize. How about that mom and pop cafe around the corner? Go there for Saturday breakfast instead of Perkins or McDonalds drive thru. How about the independent coffee shop in your neighborhood? Take the extra five minutes to go in and order a coffee instead of going through the Starbucks drive thru. Finally, patronize small business ventures such as those who sell on when you are thinking of buying gifts for family and friends. 

It is amazing how when citizens start taking pride how a wave of change can happen. We don't need to be victims of circumstances and we CAN make a difference. Try it and let me know how it changed your life.

1 comment:

  1. here, here! corporate america begs for a government bailout of billions yet still takes home 18 billion in bonuses. they didn't have any money to operate yet they could give the fat cats billion dollar bonuses? when are we going to stop being chumps and insist on some integrity? you are absolutely right-- patronize those you aren't sucking the governments teats on one side and champagne on the other.
